What can be seen..and learned?
“I never predict. I just look out the window and see what’s visible—but not yet seen.
… I look for things that have already happened, and have not yet had consequences
… and I foresee them.” – Peter Drucker
Other areas on this site provide the context – the Know-Why – to support its fundamental Sense-Making purposes –
- to offer ways to think differently about the learning-blocking conditions that continue to frustrate practitioners and policymakers, and then
- to provide examples of the different Know-How that can emerge from that understanding.
This area of the site serves dual purposes:
- to capture the thinking and learning products of an embedded learner in a school system transforming itself as-a-system over ten years. (20,000 Ft Memos and Reports – in Resources)
- To present possibly new understandings that emerged from the way-of-thinking the lens supported and use these as catalysts for continued thinking and learning dialogues with those who wish to join in as thinking partners and co-learners.
As the menu below indicates, this area is and will remain a work-in-progress. Each topic has a common format:
- New understandings that emerged from the way-of-thinking the lens supported,
- the types of questions they raise for planning and operations. Question’s that not only make theoretical sense (but for which there may not have been practical answers), but at the same time, questions informed by the knowledge that practical answers can be “seen” and understood in the ten-year MCPS journey.
- Indicators of where one might look in the MCPS experiences to find more about how this thinking plays out in practice. (There may be some overlap from scanning the same “elephant” to learn from how it responded to different issues and conditions.)
- Questions to tap your insights.
New Understanding: The Complementarity of Policy and Practice
New Understanding: Decision-making relationships
New Understanding: A needed Role map
New Understanding: The X-factor at work
New Understanding: The Zen of data-driven decision-making
New Understanding: If the organization is the learner, who is the teacher?
The 3M’s and 3R’s of a Teaching Organization
New Understanding: The District as Bathtub– the unit-of-sustainable change
New Understanding: Leadership’s System-seeing Connection
New Understanding: Time as a Leadership constant, not a variable
New Understanding: Schooling as Knowledge Management.
New Understanding: Vision as the light at this end of the tunnel
New Understanding: Keeping the Elephant on the Table: Management-by-Consequences
New Understanding: Technology as strategic tool
New Understanding: Bridging the Paradigm Gap
New Understanding: Systemic Governance
New Understanding: “Make a Difference”
New Understanding: System’s “Teachable Moments”
New Understanding: The Accountability/Responsibility Confusion
New Understanding: The “gap” gap
“The seeds of the future are being sown in the present,
if we only knew where to look.”
Milton Chen,
Exec. Dir., George Lucas Educational Foundation
Comment from Aniele
Time July 6, 2012 at 5:38 pm
thank you for the article. i just about passed your web site up in bing but now i’m glad i clicked the link and got to go through it. i’m definitely a lot more informed now.http://www.expectaculo.com
Comment from admin
Time July 7, 2012 at 9:53 am
What sort of things are you looking for? And for what reasons? Since this site is intended to help people “think differently” about their work, it helps me envision the work settings that find something relevant here.
Comment from admin
Time July 7, 2012 at 9:58 am
Alvina – Thanks … would you share with me what it was you found relevant in the article…and why? It helps me envision the needs I’m trying to connect to… or the “questions” I’m trying to offer “answers” to.
Comment from admin
Time July 7, 2012 at 10:01 am
Aniele -it helps me to know more about what you feel more informed about… why you think it’s important… and what you might do with the ideas. Thanks.
Comment from Alvina
Time July 6, 2012 at 5:07 pm
thanks for sharing such great article. i appreciate the post. keep posting more.http://www.agenciadempregos.com